This video is part of a MT4 charting series. If you have any questions about MT4 charting or MT4 charts please use the comments section at the bottom of this page or the contact us facility and hopefully we can help you with your question.
This Video shows you how you can change the currency and time-frame of an existing open chart.
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Use of Mouse to do MT4 chart tricks
The chart is directly managed with the mouse as follows:
•clicking with the left mouse button on any point in the chart window and holding of it with the subsequent horizontal moving of the cursor result in the chart scrolling;
•clicking with the left mouse button on the chart vertical scale and holding of it with the subsequent vertical moving of the cursor result in vertical chart scaling, and the double click with the mouse on the chart vertical scale will rescale the chart;
•clicking with the left mouse button on the chart horizontal scale (but not the fast navigation box) and holding of it with the subsequent horizontal moving of the cursor will result in the chart rescaling;
•clicking with the right mouse button on any point in the chart window results in calling of the chart context menu (described below);
•double-clicking with the left mouse button on elements of technical indicators (lines, signs, histogram bars, etc.) calls the setup window of the corresponding indicator;
•clicking with the right mouse button on elements of a technical indicator calls the context menu of the indicator;
•single or double, depending on the terminal settings, clicking with the left mouse button on an object (line studies, texts or arrows) will select the object;
•clicking with the left mouse button on the selected object and holding of it with the subsequent moving allows to move the selected object;
•Ctrl + clicking with the left mouse button on a selected trend line with the subsequent moving allows to draw a parallel trend line (create a channel);
•clicking with the middle mouse button in the chart window switches cursor to the “crosshair” mode;
•clicking with the right mouse button on a selected object will open its context menu;
•placing of cursor on the bar close price or on an element of an object or indicator will call the prompt.
Allan J Smith
March 10, 2015Hi Alex
just wondering as I have a problem with the small size of the price column at right hand side of charts
I need to use Magnifier and its a pain
so are you aware of any means to enlarge the text in that column ?
thank you
Allan J ( with old eyes )
March 10, 2015Hi Sir,
how can i use 2 charts on mt4, like gold and oil simultaneously.
take care
March 10, 2015Hopefully the next video will answer your question. Basically you open both charts at the same time and then use the Window option on the main menu to find a layout you like for the charts – vertical or horizontal or tiles etc. let me know it the next window does not answer your question and I will create a video specifically to show you how.
March 10, 2015Hi Allan
I have the same problem after all these years of trading and I do not know of a solution. The best is to make sure your computer area is very well lit – preferably natural light and to use prescription glasses specific to computer work or reading
To get a large view of the current price click on the very small arrow next to the currency details at the top left of the chart as shown in the picture (if you can find the small arrow).
Rick de Nooyer
March 10, 2015Hi I have an annoying problem with mt4 . When I turn my computer on, the charts have reverted to a previous day 2 and lost settings, what is going on you think?
alex@expert4x.com du Plooy
March 10, 2015Hi Rick. Not sure why that is happening – try reporting it to you broker or re-installing the MT4 Platform. The reinstal is probably the only answer. Are you sure you are closing your MT4 platform BEFORE closing your computer – this sometimes results in unsaved work. Also make sure you are are not using more than 1 active MT4 installation.
Allan J
March 18, 2015Thank you Alex, for the response
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